Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hair and Make Up Over 50

Changing your hairstyle or choosing a new makeup product is a tricky proposition when you’re over fifty. I’m always looking for help on how to use makeup and hair products to my 50+ advantage. For example, how can I use bronzer to get a brighter over 50 look without making my face look like a tired, old tangerine? Recently, I found some useful advice online. The tips included:

Navy eyeliner brightens the whites of older eyes.

Bronzer should be applied sparingly along the hairline, cheekbones and jawline. Skip the nose, this tip advised.

Subtle lip colors are much more flattering after 50. Did you notice the really bad, bold lipsticks on many of the over 40 actresses at this year's Academy Awards? It cured me of ever wearing red lipstick again!

For more hair and makeup tips for women over 50, check out...

Truth in Aging offers…

10 Beauty Blunders that Add Years to Your Face

Allure Magazine
The mag has several slide shows with tips. The tips are for women over 40, but they are useful to women over fifty, too.

All New for 2010: 10 Beauty Mistakes that Add 10 Years

10 Hairstyles that will Make You Look 10 Years Younger
This slide show offers some good tips. However, as usual, the models are almost all 30-somethings (or younger). Each one is shown with an older-looking hairdo and then a younger one. The tips work, I think, even though the photo examples are kind of silly.

20 Products that Will Make You Look Younger Instantly
These are mostly drug store products that won’t break the bank.