Monday, March 28, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award

I’ve been given the “Versatile Blogger” award by the blogger at Rich Mix Fashion Plus Sizes Clothing. It was very kind of her to choose me and now it’s my turn to award others. This is sort of like a chain post, in which “Versatile Blogger” winners share the blogs they enjoy. I like to think that if every “VB” recipient recognizes 7 more bloggers, huge numbers of bloggers will eventually feel the bloggin' love. Thanks again, Rich Mix Fashion Plus Sizes Clothing!

“Versatile Blogger” award winners are asked to…
♥ Thank and link back to the person that awarded him/her this award
♥ Share 7 things about his/her self
♥ Award 7 recently-discovered great bloggers
♥ Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award

So…here are 7 things about myself…
1. I love seeing women over 50 dressed in outfits that flatter their age and figures.
2. I love to find and write about fashions that flatter women over 50.
3. I love all types of art—music, fine arts, literature, drama, and dance—and the way art informs fashion and vice versa.
4. I love living in a place with 4 distinct seasons because I can’t imagine wearing the same clothes more than a few months a year. I crave variety!
5. I’m a huge fan of Bill Cunningham. If you can, check out the documentary, “Bill Cunningham New York.” He is my idol—over 50, a style genius, and an extremely gracious and charming individual. If the documentary isn’t playing in your area, check out his New York Times On the Street video reports.
6. I love anyone who pursues his or her passion.
7. I enjoy learning about fashion—its history, designers, and the design process.

And…here are 7 blogs (in alphabetical order) that inspire me. Congratulations to my fellow bloggers!

10 Minutes Each Day In An Unreasonable Manner

Fab Over Fifty

Fashion for Nerds

Fashionally Fab at 50 Plus

Over 50 Feeling 40

Style Goes Strong

Une femme d' un certain age